A resident of Oradea invented an ecological toilet unique in the world to stop the waste of water
According to the UN, 3.6 billion people still only have access to poor quality toilets, which negatively affect their health and pollute the environment.
A 25-year-old young man from Bihor county came up with a solution that no longer exists “neither in Romania nor in the world” to stop the waste of water after each use of the toilet.
Teodor Gomboş, who lives in Oradea, invented the “Arida Cultus” toilet, which uses sawdust instead of “drawing water”.
“Neither in Romania nor in the world are there anymore toilets that work with sawdust, that are automatic. Toilets with a similar shape or that work with sawdust still exist in the world, quite a few, but we are the only ones who have applied automation for sawdust dosing”, Gomboş told Green News.
“We use sawdust because sewage treatment is one of the most polluting industries in the world, while sawdust is a natural product of the wood industry,” he explained on Facebook.
“Cultus is a dry compost toilet, which instead of water uses sawdust that is released automatically when motion sensors are activated. The final product is later used as fertilizer,” he added.
Gomboş also emphasized that every time we flush, after using a normal toilet, we consume five liters of water.
However, in the case of toilets that do not have a double water draw system, the consumption is 11 liters of water for each use, according to the city hall of the Australian city of Melbourne.
The Oradean said that the toilet with sawdust is similar to the toilets in the yard that involve composting waste, but it is a modern and much more comfortable version.
“The inspiration came from the use of a similar toilet in Western Europe, we said we can do it better. Basically, it is a reinterpretation of the traditional toilet. We are evolving the traditional country toilet,” he also told Green News.
“The medium-term plans are for our toilets to be present at at least one renowned festival in Romania in 2023, and the long-term is for these toilets to solve the problem of public toilets in Romania in public spaces,” he added to the publication.
The toilet can be used both at events and in personal gardens, according to the Arida Cultus website.
Source: https://www.greennews.ro/article/un-oradean-a-inventat-o-toaleta-ecologica-unica-in-lume-pentru-a-opri-risipa-apei (Green News)